Our bottles rated by WhiskyFun.com:
WhiskyFun.com by Serge Valentin
WhiskyFun.com, one of the most respected and influential whisky review sites, was created by Serge Valentin, a whisky critic from Alsace, France. Since its launch in 2002, WhiskyFun.com has become a trusted resource for spirits enthusiasts worldwide, with over 20,000 reviews published on the site to date.
Serge Valentin is known for his honest, unpretentious reviews, often accompanied by humorous remarks and personal anecdotes. While his focus is on whisky, he also explores other spirits, which he calls “malternatives”—primarily rum, cognac, and armagnac.
Valentin scores each spirit on a scale of 1 to 100, with 80–89 indicating high quality and 90+ reserved for truly exceptional spirits. We’re proud to feature WhiskyFun.com scores for our rums on our website and in our informational materials. As Serge noted in an interview, “A high score doesn’t mean you should rush out and buy a bottle or a pallet; it means that, in my opinion, you too should maybe try the spirit in question, provided we have similar tastes.”
Since the launch of The Colours of Rum, we have shared our releases with Serge Valentin to gain his individual, unbiased opinions. This helps you, our valued rum enthusiasts, make informed choices. We’re pleased to hold high scores for our rums, with many rated above 90 points and some reaching 92 or even 93.